My lack of posting around here has been weighing on my mind a lot lately. Typically I have a
bajillion pictures and funny video clips and stories rattling around in my head and typically I don't get around to posting them until they're no longer up to date and so I just don't post them at all. That has resulted in some pretty poor record keeping around here and golly that's making me feel rotten. So I've set a bit of a goal for my posting for the first time since I started this blog nearly four years ago. I'm not going to jinx myself by laying it out in print, but be assured that there will be plenty of updates around here in the days and maybe even months and years to come. Hopefully quantity won't affect quality too much...forgive me if I get off to a rusty start!

Today we were excited to spend a somewhat impromptu afternoon with Sofie and Van's sweetie cousin Ella. We read books and did puzzles, had a pretend birthday party and built a fort, played with our train tracks and spent lots and lots of time in the sunshine pushing strollers and kicking balls in the yard. It's so fun to have all the kids together and the sound of them all giggling, accompanied by the neighborhood munchkins who always make their way out when the sun is shining, is so infectious. Tonight we threw two grubby kiddos in the bathtub and they are both knocked out cold for a good sleep. A perfect summer day!
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