We waited until Sofie was feeling a little bit better before attempting to transition her into her new bed. In the meantime, she had some fun getting acquainted with the new "decoration" in her bedroom.
Tonight is Sofie's third night in her new bed and I have to say (proud mama) that she transitioned like a champion. The first night we had to take a cue from Super Nanny (return her to her bed about six or seven times) but it was really quite short-lived and after resigning herself to her new station in life she slept quite soundly through the night.
The next day she went down for her nap without a peep and slept for FOUR hours! I snuck in and took these pictures while she was asleep:

Upon awakening Sofie got down out of her bed, figured out how to turn the doorknob and let herself out of her room, and came running out to meet me in the living room with a wildly proud grin on her face. It was as if she was thinking, "Wow! This growing up stuff is kind of cool!"
Here's a shot of my happy, well-rested big girl after her mega nap.

Congratulations my sweet girl! Another milestone tackled head on and one small step closer to conquering the world :)
YAY Sofie!! Brynn's all over the place when she sleeps too - so funny!!