We took a family outing this weekend to a local nature center to "feed the chickadees." Apparently I am delayed in the nature arena because, as we planned and prepared for the trip, I was picturing a big pen of baby chicks in the nature center low to the ground so the kids could stand and throw seed at them. Lo and behold, there are actual birds called chickadees that live in actual trees outside in the woods. At this particular nature center they have been
hand fed by visitors for many years and are quite happy to come and take a bit of birdseed straight from your hand...how cool is that! Unfortunately, the experience required a short hike through the snow to the nature center, standing out under a tree in the cold, and remaining very still and quiet. Sofie didn't last too long, but all in all it was a pretty interesting way to spend a morning.
Here's Sofie checking out a display of birds inside the nature center. Personally I thought the stuffed birds were sort of creepy, but Sofie seemed to like them!

Here we are all bundled up and waiting, sort of patiently, for a birdy to come sample our seed. Sofie was happy to sample the seed herself...just to make sure it was suitable for the birdies of course!

And there's a chickadee! I actually had them land in my hand several times, but we weren't fortunate enough to get a picture of that.

Here's Sofie in the car on the way home showing us how she really felt about that cold and miserable experience...

...and five minutes later, out like a light!
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