Daddy, Sofie, and I headed out for a family picnic and bicycle ride today and had a whole lot of fun. Sofie chilled in her "Tot Spot" and let daddy drag her around on the back of his bicycle as a special Father's Day treat. Then she let him buy her a new hammer toy. I think she's got the whole Father's Day concept a little bit backwards...I'll have to set to work straightening her out before next year!

Regardless, Sofia reserves a giant slice of her heart for her daddy. She absolutely lights up when he walks in the door from work and she is so engrossed in her playtime with him. Daddy always allows her to play with such fascinating grown-up things (with plenty of supervision of course) and teaches her the coolest tricks (that she performs over and over and over again just to see him laugh!) We love you Ben! Happy Father's Day to the best daddy one precious little girl and one very proud mama could ever hope to have in their lives.
I believe that look on her face is "this is a joke, right?"