Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I swear there is a Christmas post on it's way. I'm looking forward to finally sharing what all of my crafty hard work resulted in. It's just that we're still working on cleaning up the detritus that is left over after Christmas (and also daddy is home on vacation so we've been spending lots of time together and also taking lots of unnecessary naps!)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
(and now it's 7 PM and I only have one left!)
Anyway, I wanted to post a little update since I've got a few pictures itching to be shared. Ben, Sofie and I went to have breakfast with Santa on Saturday morning. We saw Frosty and Rudolph there too. Sofie's not too sure she likes the folks who live at the North Pole...they don't quite look like the rest of us!
Last but not least (since it is now 8:30ish and this post still isn't published!!) here are a few pictures I took just a bit ago before Sofie went to bed. She and Baby Nona both got new Christmas pajamas!

Friday, December 12, 2008
And thus, a new nickname is born!
Ishie seems to have decided that having only two teeth is so five months ago. She is working on all four front teeth at once. I feel like I should be teaching her to sing, "All I want for Christmas is my four front teeth..." but alas, she is rather grumpy about the whole tooth growing thing.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sophisticated Dining
Santa called me today and wondered if Sofie might like some new utensils for Christmas since she is getting to be such a big girl these days. I said, "You know what Santa? That sounds like just the right kind of thing for a little girl's stocking!" In the meantime, we'll keep practicing with the models we've got!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
...but while I'm in the artsy groove I thought I'd throw in a much overdue facelift around here. Enjoy!
Update: What on earth was I thinking? Where did all my "stuff" go? Would you all please please do me a favor? If I used to have a link to your blog over there on the right could you please send me its web address? I don't know any of them...I just click my links. My links that aren't there!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wheels Turning
Body Parts
Bye Bye Baby Hairs
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
That's right, Little Miss Undergarment has struck again. She has very very quietly draped three choice pairs of underpants around her neck and is now, without a word, filling up an unguarded Rubbermaid container with the contents of daddy's sock drawer. I just wonder what she's got planned for all of those rogue socks?! Any guesses...?
Oompa Loompa
You'll need some warm snow boots, thick snow pants, a fuzzy hat and mitten set, and a cozy coat with a furry hood to weather a winter like the ones we brew up in Oh-hiya. And if all that gear makes you waddle...oh well! I guess that's just the price you have to pay to be close to this little snow angel!
Growing Up WAY Too Fast!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Usborne Books Anyone?!
(...and if you happen to be a teacher (or know one) who is in need of some books Usborne has a really cool program designed to get kids reading and help them earn lots of free books for the classroom, so make sure you contact a consultant near you to learn more about it!)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sing Along with Sofie Songs
At the moment this is the extent of her repertoire. She also does interpretive motions to Skinamarinky Dinky Dink and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I'm not trying to say you would recognize the motions, but she is proud to show them to you all the same!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sofie's Words
no no
uh oh
di do-thank you
cock cock-quack quack
oof oof-woof woof
nigh nigh-night night
dai dai-bye bye
oh wow
C-"Sofie, can you sing the ABC's?"
Tickodickoticko-tickle tickle
Attempts "I love you"
woe woe-“Row row row your boat”
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Personally I think it's a match made in heaven. Did you see how lovestruck Mr. Nicholas let Sofie have the car keys after that display of affection? What a pair! So now that Sofie and Nick are going steady he invited her on a date to wake up Santa. Perhaps you were unaware that Santa needed waking? Well, apparently it takes Santa an awfully long time to recuperate from that whole Christmas shindig every year and he chooses to hibernate quite soundly at the mall for the month of October. The kiddos tolerate it for awhile but come November they're getting pretty anxious. Is one month really enough time to decide who's been naughty and who has been nice, to oversee the manufacturing of all those toys, and to make sure that the reindeer have been diligently training for their marathon?! So the kids conspire to gather together around Santa and collectively shout for him to wake up. It usually works!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My Fellow Americans...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Greetings on Halloween!
Part 2: Have you ever seen anything cuter than this?
Ben and I took "Dorothy" trick or treating along with some friends tonight. I forgot how much fun trick or treating is! Halloween definitely gets my vote for the greatest holiday ever. Sofie and her little boyfriend Nicholas were real troopers during the hour and a half that we went door to door. They were being so good that Sofie even managed to get a sucker unwrapped and popped it into her mouth without anyone noticing what she was up to. What a booger! (But man oh man, what a cute booger she is!)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Heavy Cream=Yum
I made this chicken tikka masala last week and although it's sort of a lot of work it was definitely well worth it. Tonight for dinner I made this chicken milano (I added mushrooms and chunked the chicken) and good grief it was delicious. Heavy cream is my hero!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I used the trim and the buckle from the original version and, although you'll notice that there aren't any close-ups, I'm pretty darn impressed with my skills considering that there was no pattern. I have plans to make a dress for Sofie and an outfit for Baby Nona with the rest of the fabric and then we'll have to take a nice color-coordinated stroll around the block! I made Sofie's Halloween costume this year too. You'll have to stay tuned for that one! That is, if she isn't covered in a winter coat and three blankets on Halloween! It's getting really chilly around here these days. I had to put Sofie's winter coat (which, incidentally, I bought brand-new for $12...what a bargain!) on her the other day before going outside to spend some time in the sunshine. I really can't stand lugging around a coat everywhere I go, let alone one for me and one for her, but I think she makes a darn cute Eskimo, don't you?
...and while we're waxing on the topics of craftiness and cold weather I might as well announce that I've declared a homemade Christmas this year. We're not getting out our Christmas ornaments, since they'll likely turn into toys, so we decided to string popcorn and cranberries and make gingerbread cut-out ornaments for the tree instead. Ben is going to make Sofie a really neat toy box for Christmas and I'm going to paint it and make a cushion for the top. I've been brainstorming crafty gift ideas for the rest of the fam for the last few weeks as well and I'm really really excited about what I've come up with so far. I'll be busy crafting over the next couple of months, and hopefully there will be a post-Christmas blog to showcase the fruits of my labor.
Christmas, for me, has been sort of awful for the past few years. We've never really had enough money or time (why oh why do fall semester finals need to be the week before Christmas?!) to "do it up right" and as a result it always turns into a stress-fest. Last year the holidays were maybe the worst I've ever had. I was so ridiculously over-stretched (was it really going to kill someone to give us the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve off for crying out loud?) and I had such a strong desire to make Sofie's first Christmas a special one. It went by in such a whirlwind and I just remember being so hurt that I hadn't been able to slow down enough to enjoy it...that it couldn't be the way that I had hoped and expected it to be. So I'm ready to reclaim Christmas. I'm ready to let go of all the expectations and find joy in the season without succumbing to all the pressure. I can't wait for the snow, frosted windows, hot cocoa and Christmas music. I can't wait to bake cookies, wrap gifts and go to Christmas parties. I'm looking forward to making Christmas cards and taking Sofie to pick out a Christmas tree. Dahoo doray and all that jazz!
So, in these crazy times...this crazy economy...if you find yourself too burdened by the everyday to even think about the holidays please please join me in reclaiming Christmas. There's a mug of cocoa and a sugar cookie with your name on it at our table this year...just come on over!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Artist
If you will, please note the artist's uninhibited free range of her studio, her unique review of her work, the staccato flair with which she makes her markings and her innovative use of both ends of the crayon. What a natural talent...
Behold Sofie's first completely unassisted piece of art!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
An Apple a Day

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Superstar Sofie
(I don't mean to make your life more difficult by asking you to email me. I am just trying to monitor the amount of access the world at large has to our personal information!)
Sorry about the drought around here lately. I have plenty to write about and a few pictures and videos to post...I just haven't had the urge to take the time to do it lately!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It's Time...
- I feel crummy. I've been eating way too much junk food and drinking lots of soda. I haven't been on a regular exercise regimen since before Sofie was born. My body is feeling sluggish and just plain gross. My clothes are starting to feel snug...yuck!
- I've gained about four or five pounds since I've been home with Sofie. My philosophy is: don't ever let yourself gain more than five pounds. Five pounds takes only a few weeks to reverse, but ten, fifteen, twenty begins to seem like a daunting task.
- Kyle and DeAnna's wedding is only two weeks away...I don't want to feel frumpy in my dress and I don't want to dislike myself in the pictures. After all, the amazing Rachel Barker is their wedding photographer!
Keep me accountable, oh dear Internet, I'd like to lose 3-4 pounds by the wedding!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
For Heidi
I realize I'm her mama and naturally I think she's a genius but aren't you impressed with her stroller pushing skills? And isn't if funny that she seems to feel that Baby Nona must share her strange propensity towards smashed berries! Her stroller pushing is even more impressive when we're walking along the sidewalk where she routinely runs it off the side and then readjusts so that we can continue. What a good little mama! She LOVES to push this stroller around and she does not discriminate against passengers. Earlier today she was pushing around some lavender socks and a black crayon...maybe she thinks it's a grocery cart.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
We Heart Fall!

Each year we bag some apples to take home and turn into pie. This year we found a shady spot to relax and Sofie went to town on one of our apples...if only she had a few more teeth!

Friday, September 12, 2008
12.5 Month Stats
Weight: 22 lbs. 3 ounces
Height: 2' 5.2"
Head Circumference: 43.7 cm
We waited for a looooooooooooong time in the examining room to see the doctor. We passed the time inspecting things, turning the pages of magazines (sorry about the rips!) and singing songs and nursery rhymes. After a rousing game of patty-cake, Sofie took Baby Nona's hands in her own and helped her play too, just like I have helped Sofie so many times before. What a smart little fart!
On our way out we were stopped by a camera guy who was filming a video to promote the satellite offices of our particular medical center. He thought Sofie was adorable and wanted to know if she could be part of the film. How can you say no to that?! So they filmed her being re-weighed (fully clothed this time), having her temperature taken, and getting her head measured. She was a complete ham for the camera. The video should be up on the website in a month or so...I'll keep you updated!
Rachel e-mailed me a couple of days ago to let us know that our complete photo session is now available. I will be getting a set of proofs, but I am having a really really hard time narrowing down my favorites to purchase enlargements of. If you are interested in checking them all out (there are 113!) send me an e-mail and I will walk you through the instructions on how to view them...but there's a catch! You must agree to kindly report back to me with your opinion on five or so that you loved the most. I would be so eternally grateful for the insight!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
One Year Old
You are really starting to grow into yourself and beginning to display your independence. We've just begun to experience your first wiggling, body-flailing bouts of defiance when you are not so pleased with our choices for you. It's a challenge, for sure, but secretly I'm so excited to see you begin to show your own preferences for things. I'm hopeful that I can be skilled enough to nurture your independent spirit while setting appropriate boundaries for you. What an exciting challenge!
You're quite a bruiser and I'm beginning think that the scrapes on your knees are a permanent fixture! You don't seem to be afraid to tackle physical challenges (now the vacuum cleaner...that's a different story!) and you dive headfirst into each new task. Recently, you've become quite proud of your ability to get yourself into your little Sofie-sized rocking chair. You're not quite tall enough to back into it, so instead you climb up onto it. Then you find yourself sitting backwards, so you carefully swivel your legs around to the front, and after you've squirmed yourself into a position you're happy with you rock rock rock yourself with a big grin across your face. You've knocked the chair and yourself over plenty of times in your pursuit but it hasn't discouraged you much at all. You're even beginning to work on balancing yourself standing on top of it while mama grits her teeth nearby and let's you feel out your limits on your own! This month you also tried out the sliding board on your own and you pretty much think that's the best invention in the world. It elicits hearty belly laughs each time...from you and from us too!
New vocabulary this month includes "Wow! Doo! (shoe) Nana, Nona (your baby doll), Uh Oh! Tickle tickle, and Oof, Oof (Woof Woof)" You're pretty convinced that every animal says, "Woof Woof!" The geese that you loved listening for all through last winter have returned. This morning we had a brief run-in with them as we were leaving the house, you crying out "Oof oof! Oof oof!" all the way! You also sort of modify your Woof to attempt a monkey sound "Oo oo!" Your gestures have increased this month as well. You know the signs for eat and for finished. You've started pointing at things, although your point is somewhat haphazard and it's often difficult to figure out what you're interested in. You like to point your pointer finger right up nose to nose with mine and giggle. You pat the ground when I pull out a new diaper for you...a mimicry of my gesture for, "Hey you crazy woman, get your bottom over here and plop it on this diaper right now!"
I'm pleased to announce that you absolutely love your birthday baby doll, Baby Nona. You pretty much drag her around everywhere with you (and she's got the banged up dirty face to prove it!) You like to put her in her cradle for a little rocking, then pull her back out again, over and over and over. You like to push her around in her baby stroller (sometimes while she sits, quite acrobatically, on her head!) You like to un-velcro her clothes and feed her a bottle (with intermittent breaks to taste what's in there for yourself!) Most nights we put Baby Nona to bed in her cradle. In the morning, after we settle a bit into our routine, I say to you, "Sofie, where's baby Nona? Is she still sleeping? Go wake her up!" You diligently waddle into the bedroom where you shuffle around awhile and then emerge, ever the proud mama, beamingly clutching your baby.
You're quite a little charmer and you consistently have strangers fawning over you. One morning we were at the library, and as I spent a few minutes on one of the computers, you made your rounds flirting with all the other computer-patrons. As we got up to leave, a man with kind eyes remarked, "I think she's going to be a politician!" You're happy to introduce yourself to pretty much anyone and you love to be the center of attention. This morning after story-time ended you were thoroughly enjoying some kiddy music that was playing on a CD and you must have felt that it was just the right time to do an impromptu interpretive dance. You bopped and swayed, swinging your arms from side to side, and twirled in circles as we all admired you. You had me laughing so hard that tears streamed down my face...and that is what you've blessed me with most this year...lots of uninhibited laughter. Laughter and joy, pure unadulterated joy. May you always have a glimmer in your eye, my one year old girl. You will always put one in mine!