Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bum Stories

I've been a little lax lately with the bum updates. It's finally getting warm outside and they're coming out of hibernation, migrating back from the warmer states if you will. We've had a couple of amusing run-ins with the bums lately.

First, the bums love to congregate behind our apartment where there is a little ledge. They hang out there, drink their beer and have a good old time. The other day Ben came down the back steps and spied a bum sitting there with his alcohol. The bum said, "You don't mind that we sit out here do you?" and Ben said, "Well actually, I kind of do, but don't worry about it." So the bum said, "Well, you want me to clean up? I'll clean up..." and proceeded to pick up the mountain of trash that has accumulated from their empty beer bottles and fast food bags (as if there wasn't a dumpster less than twenty feet away...ugh!) Ben wandered off muttering, "You don't have to do that, it's ok..." Seriously?! We should just start calling the police and get them arrested for open containers.

We've been working on packing up some "stuff" around here to make room for the baby. (Soon I'll have some before and after pictures to share with you from our computer room/closet space!) Today mom came up to take some of our boxes back down to her house to store in the basement. Unfortunately, not everything fit in the car, so we decided to pitch a chair that we weren't planning on keeping anyway. Very opportunely, a bum happened by and wanted to know how much we wanted for another chair we were trying to shove in the trunk. We told him that it wasn't for sale, but that he was welcome to have the rejected chair free. He was very pleased and proceeded to talk our ears off for a good fifteen minutes as we tried to escape. I even got suckered into hugging him.

I am incapable of stressing just how much we want to get out of this place before Sofie joins us. I can't even imagine the attention a new baby will attract, not to mention what an easy target we'll become. Ben's job search has still not produced any results yet. It is getting kicked into high gear now that he doesn't have any distractions. Cross your fingers that he finds something soon!!!


  1. Well, my fingers are crossed that Ben finds something soon. On a side note, we can now call you "Sam the bum hugger". Seriously... I hope Ben finds something soon!!
