I hate the phone. I have a genuine disgust for the phone. I'm not sure how I grew it, or why it plagues me so, but it's there, and if you know me well enough to call me you've probably encountered my general ignorance of "that phone thing" until it's
absolutely necessary to give it the time of day.
So, I wasn't all that disappointed when my cell phone became infected with an evil spirit and took a dump. Eh...it just gave me a better excuse not to pay any attention to it. However, after an extended period of ignoring it and several concerned e-mails, I came to the conclusion that maybe....just maybe....every once in awhile someone might like or even need to get in touch with me. And so, we made the trip to the mecca of my disgust, the cell phone store, today.
I hate everything about the cell phone store. I hate the little fly-catchers that stand at the door who won't let you dodge them before you tell them your whole cell phone life story so that they can determine which sales associate will play the best mind games on you. I hate that there are eight different prices on every product. I hate that when I tell the sales associate that I don't need any bells and whistles, that I only use my phone to talk to people, and even do that at a bare minimum, they look at me as if I just stepped out of one of those caveman commercials. Because
clearly, every person needs V-cast, whatever the heck that is, and a travel charger and the cable to make your phone into a portable modem for your laptop and don't forget the blue tooth...don't even get me started on you weirdos who use the blue tooth.
I also hate that we pay a hefty chunk of money every month to the awful pariah who own the cell phone store for a service that has given me eight thousand problems and that I hate hate hate in the first place. So, I suppose it's a given that it wasn't a pleasant experience for me, this trip to the cell phone store.
In short, the moral of the story is that I left the cell phone store without a cell phone because of the sheer disgust I felt with the whole process of tom-foolery that abounds there. I refuse to be brainwashed into another two year contract, which they weren't even going to tell me about because, for the love of God, why would anyone ever want to Stop!....Using!....their Cell Phone!!!!! I also refuse to pay the super-exorbitant price that a cell phone costs when you refuse to extend your contract. And so, my friends, for the next 10 months until the contract I was previously suckered into ends, I will pay for a service that I have no cell phone to utilize. If you want to talk to me you'll have to call Ben's cell phone. Do you feel the outrage seeping from the computer screen?!?
On a far less awful note, in fact, on a very pleasant note, we had our second prenatal appointment today and worm's heart is still beating away in there. I haven't felt worm move as much these last couple weeks, and I think there's a very good reason for that. Worm used to be sort of squished down in the left side of my pelvis, but now worm has pushed it's little habitat up into the belly where there is plenty more room to move freely for the time being. Nevertheless, it was good to hear worm's heart and know that the lack of felt movement does not mean that the movement has stopped. All my blood tests came out splendid, and our next appointment is on March 19th. It will be followed by a TRIP TO COLORADO!!! on the 20th. We are meeting my sister-in-law and her family out there for a week of fun times. We'll be there over my 26th (gulp, I'm getting old!) birthday, and I'm very excited to have a last hurrah trip before the worm shakes life up for us. Please don't remind me that I should be buying diapers, car seats and tiny swings with that money. I'm feeling guilty enough!