We're still here, still trucking...I swear!
The kids are enormous. A few days ago I scooped Van up in my arms and thought, "Oh! Where did my little baby go?" but the thought was brief because that little baby has been replaced with the most darling little boy.
Sofie is steadily making her way out of the terrible threes and she is full of spunk. She is growing more and more independent each day and I am getting better and better at stepping back and letting her be. (So perhaps it's Mommy who has gotten used to the terrible threes instead!)
Ben is the most incredible Dad. I often find myself watching him with the kids, grinning, and realizing for the first time ever how much I missed out on not having a Dad in my life. The kids absolutely adore him and rightfully so. He is so patient, so fun, so willing to act like a dinosaur or play Candy Land for the 50th time.
We are blessed!
And now, a selection from the Otto Family Jamboree for your enjoyment :)